We have your ransom note! If you ever want to see your ransom note again, do exactly as we say!

Posted on May 1, 2011


The ransom note was a masterpiece requiring ten hours of concentration as I meticulously cut letters from old magazines–stolen from the servants quarters’ trash and covered with the servants’ fingerprints–and glued the letters on a sheet of official police stationery I had stolen to make the targets less likely to go to the police.

The morning of the nabbing I scouted out the dog park before returning home to review the plans one last time, but the ransom note was gone!  In my mailbox I found the following message:

I had no time to steal another sheet of police stationery and  make another note.  I absolutely needed my original ransom note or I would have to delay.  I placed the following note in my mailbox:

A short time later, I found the following message:

I resolved I would have to steal another sheet of police stationery and make another ransom note from my remaining old magazines stolen from the servants quarters’ trash and covered in their fingerprints.

I left the note in the mailbox and went back inside to start on the new ransom note, but the magazines were gone!  I raced back to the mailbox and found the following note:

I replied:

I received the following reply:

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