To the Bimbos of Wikipedia

Posted on September 24, 2012


Who are the bimbos of Wikipedia?

While working on a recent writing project, I had to compile a list of standard stock characters found in television. When attempting to describe the typical characteristics of the ‘bimbo’ character, I couldn’t decide if the bimbo has to be both dumb and promiscuous, or could she sometimes be just one. I realized this philosophical question could only be settled by Wikipedia.

I found the definition and historical explanation of ‘bimbos’ to be quite enlightening. Even better, Wikipedia went above and beyond by providing a picture of what a bimbo looks like in its natural habitat:

An example of two barmaid bimbos working with the standard look

Who are these bimbos? Something tells me these girls don’t know their picture is being used by Wikipedia as the definitive standard by which all bimbos are measured. I think they’d want to know schoolchildren are seeing their picture each time they do research for reports on bimbos.

I couldn’t help but imagine the many possible reasons someone might have submitted this photo to Wikipedia. I have the following theories:

1. The photo was submitted by the ex-boyfriend of one of these girls after she dumped him with the parting shot, “I’m really looking for someone with a bit more class.”

2. The photo was submitted by a brother trying to devalue Mom and Dad’s opinion of his sister during the same week they were planning to update their will.

3. The photo was submitted by a father who wished his daughter had other talents but finally decided to show his support for the one thing she excelled at: bimboing.

4. Just like Alcoholics Anonymous requires you to admit you’re an alcoholic, these girls entered a rehabilitation program requiring them to admit they were bimbos.

5. The photo was submitted by these very girls, who are actually proud of being bimbos and were tired of arguing with other barmaids about who was the bigger bimbo. “If you’re the biggest bimbo in this bar, why isn’t your face on the bimbo page of Wikipedia?”


Read my latest on the Huffington Post Comedy page: The New, New Black

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Posted in: Columns